1. The Mental Law of Reverse Effect
The greater the conscious effort, the less the subconscious mind responds. The power of thought.
The Mental Law of Reverse Effect is a law of your mind that says that the greater the conscious effort, the less the subconscious mind responds. This means that when you get stressed over things and try too hard, your deep inner mind responds less in helping you to reach your goals. The harder you try to sleep, the harder it is. The more you try to remember a name, the harder it is to remember. The moment you just let go and give up, that is when it comes. The Mental Law of Reverse Effect ties into the Universal Law of Least Effort. Through relaxing and surrendering, we accomplish everything with effortless ease.
2. The Mental Law of Dominant Effect
The strongest emotion always wins A strong emotion takes precedence over the intellect in directing behavior. Imagination has a more powerful influence on behavior than reason/knowledge.
The Law of Dominant Effect is another mental law that states that the strongest emotion will always win. If your fear to avoid failure is stronger than your desire to succeed, then inevitably you will hold yourself back because the fear will win. It is important to look at your negative emotions and beliefs and to question these against reality and then to let them go. It is also important to cultivate strong positive emotion toward success so that any limiting feelings do not run the show. There may always be some level of fear and doubt, but the optimism and faith should be much stronger. aka. LPMI – The Law of Predominant Mental Images
3. The Mental Law of Repetitive Effect
The Mental Law of Repetitive Effect is another mental law: Given enough repetition, the subconscious mind will eventually consider what it is hearing to be true. It is important to repeat over and over again what you wish to manifest. It is not enough to say it once. Your deep inner mind is like a computer; once it is programmed to act in a certain way, it will act that way. Childhood conditioning is quite repetitive, and success programming requires that we take a good deal of time to reprogram our subconscious mind with what we want by repeating suggestions, affirmations, visual images and feelings over and over again.
4. The Mental Law of Experience
The Mental Law of Experience is a law of the mind that states that the last moment of an experience that is observed is what will stay with the mind throughout the day. For instance, imagine that you had a great time at a party but that when you were leaving someone told you that you said something that made you look stupid, you would remember that statement far longer than the party that you actually enjoyed. This law is important when reprogramming your mind for success because it reminds us to end hypnotic programming and creating and manifesting on a positive, optimistic and upbeat note. You will carry the last statement with you far more than the bulk of the experience.
Rule Number One: Every thought or idea causes a physical reaction (Organ Language).
(Also known as the Law of Impressed Thought – every impression on the mind has a physical expression.)
Your thoughts can affect all of the functions of your body. Worry thoughts trigger changes in the stomach that can, in time, lead to ulcers. Anger thoughts stimulate your adrenal glands, and the increased adrenaline in the blood stream causes body changes.
Anxiety and fear affect your pulse rate. Ideas that have a strong emotional content almost always reach the subconscious mind, because it is the feeling mind. Once accepted, these ideas continue to produce the same body reaction over and over again. In order to eliminate or change chronic negative bodily reactions we must reach the subconscious mind and change the idea responsible for the reaction. This is easily done with self-hypnosis and auto-suggestion.
Rule Number Two: What is expected tends to be realized.
(Also known as The Law of Expectancy – what we expect tends to be realized.)
The brain and the nervous system respond only to mental images. It does not matter if the image is self-induced or from the external world. The mental image formed becomes the blueprint, and the subconscious mind uses every means at its disposal to carry out the plan. The subconscious mind acts to fulfill the pictured situation. Worrying is a form of programming a picture of what we don’t want: “The things that I have feared have come upon me.”
Many persons suffer from chronic anxiety, which is simply a subconscious mental expectancy that something terrible will happen to them. On the other hand, we all know people who seem to have the “magic touch.” Life seems to shower them with blessings for no apparent reason, and so we call them “lucky.” What seems to be luck is in reality, Positive Mental Expectancy-a strong belief that they deserve to be successful: “We become what we think about.”
Our physical health is largely dependent upon our mental expectancy. Physicians recognize that if a patient expects to remain sick, lame, paralyzed, helpless, even to die, the expected condition tends to be realized. Here is where self-hypnosis can become the tool to remove despondency and negative attitudes and bring about a hopeful, positive expectancy-the expectancy of health, strength, and well-being, which then tends to be realized.
Rule Number Three: Imagination is more powerful than knowledge when dealing with your own mind or the mind of another. This is an important rule to remember when using self-hypnosis: Reason is easily overruled by imagination. This is why some persons blindly rush into some unreasonable act or situation. Violent crimes based upon jealousy are almost always caused by an overactive imagination. Most of us feel superior to those who lose their savings or blindly follow a demagogue such as Hitler or are sold worthless stocks.
We can easily see that such people have allowed their imagination to overcome their reason. But we are often blind to our own superstitions, prejudices, and unreasonable beliefs. Any idea accompanied by a strong emotion such as anger, hatred, love, or our political and religious beliefs usually cannot be modified through the use of reason. In using self-hypnosis, we can form images in the subconscious mind-the feeling mind-and can remove or amend the old ideas.
Rule Number Four: Opposing ideas cannot be held at the same time.
This does not mean more than one idea cannot be remembered or harbored in your memory; it refers to the conscious mind recognizing an idea. Many people try to hold opposing ideas simultaneously. A man might believe in honesty and expect his children to be honest, all the while engaging daily in slightly dishonest business practices. He may try to justify by saying, “All of my competitors do it; it’s an accepted practice.” However, he cannot escape the conflict and the effect upon his nervous system of trying to hold opposing ideas at the same time.
Rule Number Five: Once an idea has been accepted by the subconscious mind, it remains until it is replaced by another idea.
The companion rule to this is: The longer the idea remains, the more opposition there is to replace it with a new idea.
Once an idea has been accepted, it tends to remain. The longer it is held, the more it tends to become a fixed habit of thinking. This is how habits of action are formed, both good and bad. First there is the thought and then the action. We have habits of thinking as well as habits of action, but the thought or idea always comes first. Hence it is obvious if we wish to change our actions, we must begin by changing our thoughts. We accept certain facts as true. For example, we accept as true that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and we accept this even though the day may be cloudy, and we cannot see the sun. This is an instance of a correct fact conception which governs our actions under normal conditions. However, we have many thought habits which are not correct and yet are fixed in the mind. Some people believe that at critical times they must have a drink of whiskey or a tranquilizer to steady their nerves so that they can perform effectively. This is not correct but the idea is there and is a fixed habit of thought. There will be opposition to replacing it with a correct idea. Now in advancing these rules, we are speaking of fixed ideas, not just idle thoughts or passing fancies. We need to alter fixed ideas or use them. No matter how fixed the ideas may be or how long they have remained they can be changed with self-hypnosis and auto-suggestion.
Rule Number Six: An emotionally induced symptom tends to cause organic change if persisted long enough.
It has been acknowledged by many reputable medical men that more than seventy percent of human ailments are functional rather than organic. This means that the function of an organ or other part of the body has been disturbed by the reaction of the nervous system to negative ideas held in the subconscious mind. We do not mean to imply that every person who complains of an ailment is emotionally ill or neurotic. There are diseases caused by germs, parasites, viruses, and other things attacking the human body. However, we are a mind in a body and the two cannot be separated. Therefore, if you continue to fear ill health, constantly talk about your “nervous stomach” or “tension headaches,” in time organic changes must occur.
Rule Number Seven: Each suggestion acted upon creates less opposition to successive suggestions.
The longer a mental trend lasts unbroken, the easier it is to follow. Once a habit is formed, it becomes easier to follow and more difficult to break. In other words, once a self-suggestion has been accepted by your subconscious mind it becomes easier for additional suggestions to be accepted and acted upon. That is why when you are just beginning with self-hypnosis and auto-suggestion we suggest you start with simple suggestions. You can suggest that you feel a tingling sensation or a warm and pleasant feeling. When these have been followed you can move on to more complicated suggestions. You should begin now with the suggestion that you will automatically awaken from self-hypnosis in ten minutes.
Rule Number Eight: When dealing with the subconscious mind and its functions, the greater the conscious effort, the less the subconscious response.
This explains why “will power” doesn’t really exist! If you have insomnia you’ve learned, “The harder you try to go to sleep, the wider awake you become.” The rule is, “When dealing with the subconscious mind, take it easy.” This means you must work to develop a positive mental expectancy that your problem can and will be solved. As your faith in your subconscious mind increases, you learn to “let it happen” rather than trying to “force it to happen".
Please set aside two hours for consultation. If you find you are interested in my hypnosis techniques, we can begin right away with a hypnotic programming. Or you can book a future appointment and consultation can end at the 30-minute mark.
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